The section titles link to the writings. Thin Icicles - This is a collection of my experiences from the 70's and 80's. They are sometimes connected to the world today. This is tongue-and-cheek to a degree. The writing is similar to my book On Thin Ice.
Teacher Double Feature - For almost 30 years, I have taught in many places from a psychiatric lockup to a college campus. A teacher's day is full of surprises – sometimes, the day is a winner; sometimes, it's a tie; and sometimes, it is nuts, and you need a mulligan. These are some stories.
McPoems - This is my poetry section. The sarcastic, the sour, the serious. Laugh, cringe, cry or sigh.
McParody & Satire- This contains parody and satire based on a range of sources.
Visit my On Thin Ice page. |
This contains original photos paired with collected quotes from the famous, notorious, notable, infamous, and not-so-much any of these. It leans more towards simple humor than changing the world.
This contains original photos paired with collected quotes from the famous, notorious, notable, infamous, and not-so-much any of these. It leans more towards simple humor than changing the world.